BiblioFiles Episode #11: Flannery O'Connor with Daniel Wilkinson of Andalusia Farm

Flannery O'Connor is one of our absolute favorite authors of the 20th century, and we were recently honored to have O'Connor expert Daniel Wilkinson of Andalusia Farm join us as our first guest for a BiblioFiles conversation. A resident of O'Connor's hometown, Daniel has a unique and thought-provoking perspective on her work and continuing legacy. We hope you get as much enjoyment and laughter out of our conversation as we did! 

Referenced Works:


–The work of Flannery O'Connor including "The Displaced Person," "Parker's Back," Mystery and Manners, "A Good Man is Hard to Find," Wise Blood, "Revelation," "Everything That Rises Must Converge," A Prayer Journal, and "The Life You Save May Be Your Own"

–"To the hard of hearing you shout, and to the almost blind you draw large and startling figure." -Mystery and Manners

–French theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Andalusia Wise Pod, the Andalusia Farm podcast


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